Monday, June 11, 2012

AIDS/Lifecycle... what is that?

Starting another blog entry with a question. But isn't that part of what blogs are about? Answering questions for the readers?

The answer to this one's pretty simple. The AIDS/Lifecycle is a fundraiser to provide, "critical services to people living with HIV and AIDS." The ride benefits major AIDS Service Organizations (ASO's) in California. Participants - both cyclists and roadies - each commit to achieving a minimum of $3,000 in donations for their participation. To prove their commitment, they spend seven days traveling from San Francisco to Los Angeles. Cyclists spend those days on their bikes and roadies spend their days ensuring the cyclists have everything they need to complete the ride - food, rest stops, gear, first-aid, guidance, support and all sorts of assistance. But the true heroes are you... those who donate to the cause, support the participants, and do it all with the ultimate goal to assist those living with HIV/AIDS and continue our efforts to bring an end to the epidemic.

You know I'm not blowing smoke but, as proof positive, here is my confirmation letter for ALC12:

Dear Jim,

Congratulations and welcome to AIDS/LifeCycle 12!  Prepare yourself for the experience of a lifetime!

We want to thank you for your commitment of time, energy, and heart to raising the necessary funds and awareness so that together we can end the pandemic and human suffering caused by HIV.  We at the L.A. Gay and Lesbian Center and the San Francisco AIDS Foundation are so grateful for your extraordinary dedication, which in turn allows us to provide the necessary services and programs on the local, statewide, and national levels.

You will receive an email from your participant representative soon with instructions for accessing your Participant Center so that you can customize your homepage and begin fundraising. If you have questions, please feel free to contact us.

Again, thank you for registering, and we look forward to joining you on the road June 2-8, 2013


The AIDS/LifeCycle Staff

To find out more about the ride, you can visit

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