Wednesday, November 28, 2012

In keeping with my World AIDS Day promise....

Ah, those memories of youth.

I promised a post a day from my old blog until World AIDS Day. And I won't renege on that promise.

Unlike the past few, today I'm going abstract. Not a story of my life or of a friend I lost. Just something I wrote in 1997. It's a poem. Does it have anything to do with HIV? Maybe. But, like all "art" I'll leave that to the audience. (By the way, I'm not saying it's good or even relevant - was just easy to copy & paste, hah!)


An elusive glance,
from my eyes to yours,
grabs at the center
of your distant soul.

Wet breath, thick,
passing from one mouth
to another, ignites a flame
in the crux of your heart.

A finger, trailing skin
warm from passions motions,
brings your mind closer
to understanding dependence.

While the scent of man's flesh
pressed against your darkest corners,
decidedly tells your being
you are no longer alone.

Whispers, stares, embraces
shared in heated exchange
are no antidote or cure
for blood gone bad.

A life spent searching
can find its power only once.
Shamefully admitted though,
it's too often passed over.

In order to live intensely
one must risk one's self;
but allowing rationality to win
you lose eternity in the battle.
It's your mind. Your soul.
You decide. You choose.
But never forget your answer
for I'll never ask again.


Ahhhh, what the hell... I'll give you two...


Center of ones soul
Tainted by the life it chose.
Inner turmoil never controlled
Or overcome.
Believing there was no power
Strong enough to win.
A life made filthy by its travels
Just as the sole of a shoe
Is dirtied with grease and shit.
Stepping blindly
Along a trail full of answers
But obscured by questions.
Litter blowing on the sidewalk
Of ones mind
While empty trash cans rot
On each corner.
It is now too late to collect the pieces
Of a mind in which little was learnt
Because little was sought.
Never knowing there were options,
Only giving in
To a falsely determined fate.

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