Sunday, July 15, 2012

Work/Life Balance

We all work. Even if you're a housewife or currently unemployed, you work... and probably damn hard. Manage a home. Take care of pets and kids. Shop for groceries. Change the oil, clean the garage, fix that squeaky hinge. Work work work work work.

And then we find time for life. Time to hang out in the pool. Read a book. Get to the gym. Go on vacation. Enjoy 30 minutes alone. Call our parents. Watch Real Housewives. 
Go to the pub.  Have dinner with friends. Get out on a training ride. Life life life life life.

Which one usually wins?

I'm one of those who struggles to find work/life balance on a regular basis. I chose a career that often requires long hours and bringing work home. Living in an era of constant connectivity through email and cell phones means a client request can come through at any time - and sometimes that means 6 a.m. on a Sunday. I have no problem with any of these things because I enjoy what I do and I knew these were a part of my chosen field. Really just making a point that it often takes priority.

And then there are the responsibilities at home. Again, they take priority over leisurely pursuits. Unfortunately, I've also placed them secondary to work responsibilities. This means that I'm often playing catch up when I find the time. Sometimes it seems like my to-do list rarely gets shorter and at times even gets longer. But, in the end, I get the things done that I need to get done. Some of those other things really do need to "wait 'til tomorrow."
During my normal day-to-day, I still do my best to find time for me. Whether it's reading a couple chapters before bed or taking a trip to the dog park (yes, that's a leisurely pursuit), we all need to find time for ourselves. With my commitment to the ride, some of that time for the next ten months has been dedicated to training and gearing up.

Every once in awhile, a little something extra comes up as a third priority and knocks the "me time" down a notch. For me, the most recent example of that has been my hunt for a new job. Searching online, sending out resumes, networking, interviews... they've taken up a chunk of that free time the past couple weeks. All for a good cause but there's been a small price to pay...

I haven't been on my bike in two weeks.

The ride's not until next summer so there is no worry that a couple weeks off right now is going to affect it. But just as I was getting into a groove and really loving my rides, I fell out of my routine. Happens to all of us, doesn't it? We start a diet, join a gym, get immersed in a TV series... and one little thing gets added to our plate that knocks us off balance. The most important thing to remember when that happens is that it's just temporary and we always manage to find the balance again.

Many times, we also find a major benefit from shifting priorities for short periods. In this instance the benefit has been a successful job hunt! I received and accepted an offer this week and will be transitioning jobs at the end of the month. Now I can get back to that balance.

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